Christmas in Mexico consists of month-long festivities!

While we're used to seeing piñatas at birthday parties, they also make an appearance at many of the Christmas celebrations that take place throughout Mexico. Streets are covered in Christmas decor and bustling with locals singing and dancing. You may even hear a rendition of your favorite Christmas song performed by a professional mariachi band!
During this time of year, many families put together elaborate displays of the Nativity scene - or "Nacimientos" as they are called. Several plays about the shepherds’ journey to see the newborn baby Jesus, called "pastorelas," are performed by various theater companies. Carolers also go knocking on doors to sing Christmas carols, or "villancicos," some of which are Spanish translations of popular English carols while others are unique to Mexican culture.

Of course, no Christmas celebration is complete without a delicious meal! The star of the Christmas dinner table in a Mexican household is almost always tamales, which we all know and love.
Many travelers love to escape to tropical destinations like Cabo and Cancun during the winter time, so if you're going to be there during the holidays - make sure to celebrate with the locals!